On-campus resources
Shenandoah students and employees who believe they have been the victims of sexual misconduct are encouraged to seek assistance from these support services:
Confidential Resources:
Wilkins Wellness Center Health & Counseling Services
(540) 665-4530 or wwcenter@nbzhiai.com
(540) 535-3463 or thenjwc@nbzhiai.com
Office of Spiritual Life
(540) 535-3546 or spirituallife@nbzhiai.com
Non-confidential Resources:
Title IX Coordinator, Peter Kronemeyer
(540) 665-4921 or nosexualmisconduct@nbzhiai.com
Care Team
Student of Concern homepage
Department of Campus Safety
(540) 678-4444 or safety@nbzhiai.com
Residence Life (not confidential)
(540) 665-4611 or reslife@nbzhiai.com
Off-campus resources
All individuals who believe they have been the victims of sexual misconduct are encouraged to seek assistance from these support services:
Winchester Medical Center
(540) 536-8000
Concern Hotline, Inc
(540) 667-0145 or http://concernhotline.org/
The Laurel Center
(540) 667-6160 or www.thelaurelcenter.org
Winchester Police Department
911 or (540) 662-4131 for non-emergencies
Frederick County Police Department
911 or (540) 662-6168 for non-emergencies
The Free Medical Clinic of Northern Shenandoah Valley, Inc.
(540) 536-1680